Sunday, November 13, 2011

The movie is a live action shot. The tone is happy, with a hint of irresistibleness. They are selling axe body spray. The target audience are men. The product is solving the problem of getting girls and smelling bad.  The commercial makes it seems like the women are drooling all over the man because he smells good from the spray. Most of the commercial does not have sound. The commercial is successful because it makes men envy the guy in the commercial, so they are more likely to buy the product so others can be like him.
It is live action. The tone is humorous. They are selling Miller Lite beer. The target audience are adults, leaning towards men in this commercial. The product is seen as making the man drinking the beer seem more manly. The commercial has conversation between the people in the commercial and a narrator at the end naming the product. The commercial is successful because it sells the product and makes it desirable, Also it makes it see like you are a loser if you are not drinking it.
This is live action. The tone is humorous. They are selling a volkswagon car. The target audience are adults. The product is supposed to be envisioned as magical because the little kid cannot get anything to turn on until the dad starts the car form inside the house. The commercial is soundless, except for the narrator at the end. The commercial is successful because it make you laugh which is a good reaction and the commercial is memorable which make your remember the product. This makes the product more likely to buy.
This is live action. The tone is humorous. They are selling Doritos. The target audience is anyone. The product is supposed to seem like it is irresistible. The commercial has some dialogue between the actors. This commercial is successful because it shows how irresistible a dorito is. The dog is actual able to break down a door for the bag of chips.
This is live action. The tone is humorous. They are selling orbit gum. The target audience is anyone. The product is supposed to be seen as it can clean up anything and withstand the dirtiest mouths. The commercial is dialogue between actors. The commercial is successful because it gets the point of cleaning up dirty mouths across.

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