Sunday, November 13, 2011

The movie is a live action shot. The tone is happy, with a hint of irresistibleness. They are selling axe body spray. The target audience are men. The product is solving the problem of getting girls and smelling bad.  The commercial makes it seems like the women are drooling all over the man because he smells good from the spray. Most of the commercial does not have sound. The commercial is successful because it makes men envy the guy in the commercial, so they are more likely to buy the product so others can be like him.
It is live action. The tone is humorous. They are selling Miller Lite beer. The target audience are adults, leaning towards men in this commercial. The product is seen as making the man drinking the beer seem more manly. The commercial has conversation between the people in the commercial and a narrator at the end naming the product. The commercial is successful because it sells the product and makes it desirable, Also it makes it see like you are a loser if you are not drinking it.
This is live action. The tone is humorous. They are selling a volkswagon car. The target audience are adults. The product is supposed to be envisioned as magical because the little kid cannot get anything to turn on until the dad starts the car form inside the house. The commercial is soundless, except for the narrator at the end. The commercial is successful because it make you laugh which is a good reaction and the commercial is memorable which make your remember the product. This makes the product more likely to buy.
This is live action. The tone is humorous. They are selling Doritos. The target audience is anyone. The product is supposed to seem like it is irresistible. The commercial has some dialogue between the actors. This commercial is successful because it shows how irresistible a dorito is. The dog is actual able to break down a door for the bag of chips.
This is live action. The tone is humorous. They are selling orbit gum. The target audience is anyone. The product is supposed to be seen as it can clean up anything and withstand the dirtiest mouths. The commercial is dialogue between actors. The commercial is successful because it gets the point of cleaning up dirty mouths across.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I used the same colors from in the logo except red because i wanted the red to be the stand out part of the card. The font reflects the logo also. i think the design is simple but i really love how it looks over all. That extra triangle on the side is not going to be there in the final copy, I don't know why that showed up.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


1) What is your business?
 The product we make is called Moms on Mute.

2) Describe your business in one sentence
We make a device that has the ability to tune out the sound waves coming from mothers so that you do not need to their pointless talking.

3) Who is your target audience?
Mostly teenagers, but anyone with a mother around can use this product.  It also works on mother in laws.

4) Who are your competitors?
No one has come up with a product like this, but other electronic companies could steal and improve the idea.

5) What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
We were the original people to come up with the product. This product is one of a kind for the time being.

6) Do you currently have an identity? 
     No, this is a new company

7) (If your answer to #6 is no, skip this question) What do you like about it and what don’t you like about it?

8) How do you want your image to be seen in two years?
We want to have a good reputation and have a product that all will enjoy. Maybe even expand the company so that it makes more products like moms on mute so that everyone can enjoy the silence.

9) If your company was an animal, what animal would it be and why?
My company would be a cat because i see the mom as an annoying bird that won't be quiet.  Cats are quiet and they like to kill birds. Therefore the cat is replacing the bird with silence kind of like how the mom's annoying lecturing is replaced with silence through our product.

10) If your company/brand was a person, who would it be and why?
It would be Jennifer Lopez in the movie Monster in Law, because she had a rough time getting along with her fiance's mother and if she had our product it would be so much easier to deal with.

11) If your company/brand was an object, what would it be?
Duct tape because duct tape can be placed over the mouth to quiet the person you want.

12) If your customer was a cartoon character, who would it be?
It would be Spike from The Land Before Time because Spike does not talk the entire movie series.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

logo 1

This design is simple, but i wanted to make something that was timeless and had lines as the main focus. i chose the colors because they are bright and eye catching. this product is mainly designed for kids, so the bright colors make is more appealing. also i feel like the red jumps out at you, which is what i wanted.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

logo analysis

The BMW logo is very simple,
but eye catching. It is very recognizable
because it is easily seen from far away.
The colors are bold and contrast each other well.
The target audience is adults.

The seagull they use is printed on all of their clothing.
It is a simple logo that is easy to produce in different
prints and patterns.
It is a smart logo because its very versatile.
It is a heterosexual design because their clothing is made
for young adults. 
I love the Eagles logo because it is eye catching
and fierce.
The colors are darker, and i love the green outline.
it gives the eagles a pop.
the actual design is angular, which makes it
seem tough and intimidating, which is appropriate for
a football team.
The colors are very eye catching.
The design is very simple.
The print is very legible.
There is nothing too special about it,
but it is very well known.
The colors are more feminine or kiddish,
but the actual company sells to all.

The bright colors are eye catching.
The colors are kid friendly,
The simple design makes it easy to recognize
It has bold type.
The design accommodates every age group.

Monday, August 29, 2011

project one. part one. ideas!

1. Mom tuner outter: it rebounds mom voice sound waves, so you don't have to derail with the pointless lectures and their complaining.
2. Textbook downloader: the machine translates the textbook into understandable material, so it download straight into the comprehensive parts of your brain. you know all the material almost instantaneously.
3. Escaladder: a ladder that is motorized like an escalator, so there is no need to climb ladders anymore and risk getting hurt.
4. Cancer Killing Nanobot: inject the nanobot into infected area and it kills all the cancer cells as controlled by a doctor.
5. Invisble Bulletproof Vest: it is useful for undercover cops, so they can stay protected and discreet.
6. Hovercar: its eliminates waiting hours in traffic. Instead you can just hover over all the cars, also can go speeds up to 200 mph, so it cuts travel time in half.
7. Robomaid: with a click of a button, the robomaid can clean an entire room within a minute. this includes making bed, dusting, hanging up clothes, etc.
8. Never Dirty Diaper: a diaper that has a self cleansing feature, so you never have to change a stinky diaper again.
9. Washer Hamper: a hamper that once your dirty clothes in, it automatically washes and dries them
10. Microphone voice adapter: when you sings into this mic, your voice sounds like your favorite singer you was to impersonate.

all about me...

Alyssa is the name.
I am a 19 year old college girl.
I go to the University of Tampa, and I love every minute of it.
I grew up in New Jersey and cannot wait to get out.
I have a loving family that can get annoying at times, but at the end of the day, I know they have my back.
I have two dogs: Penny and Rambo.
I belong to the Delta Zeta Sorority and I love all of my sisters.
I have a lot of friends, and each of them holds a special place in my heart.
I love to sing and dance.
I have own way too many stuffed animals, but i refuse to get rid of them.
I love Spongebob Squarepants and anything Disney.
I love the beach and vacations, especially to Cancun and Aruba.
I love to have a good time, and I hate drama.

I am actually starting this blog because of a class.
I hope to obtain more knowledge about the digital art world.
My mom is actually a graphic artist and her job amazes me.
I would love to get a taste of what she does on a daily basis.
I cannot wait to start this class.
This is me by the way.